10 Facts About Tigers You Probably Didn’t Know

Tigers are from the cat family, but unlike their more domesticated cousins, tigers have a number of special traits and abilities that make them a unique fixture in the feline world.


Unless you’re an expert on tigers, there are several facts about them that you probably don’t know. Here are 10 amazing and less-known facts about the majestic tiger:


  1. They Live for an Average of 25 Years

Tigers have an average lifespan of 25 years which is substantially higher than the average lifespan of house cats which is 15 years.


  1. Tigers Are Born Blind and Many Cubs Don’t Survive

It is unfortunate but the idiom of “Survival of the Fittest” applies harshly to tiger cubs. Tigers are born blind and stay that way for more than a week after birth. They have to follow the scent of their mothers to survive, and those that are left behind, more often than not, don’t survive.


  1. The Collective Name for Tigers in a Group

A pride of lions, a school of fish, a ___ of tigers? You probably didn’t know this, but the collective name for a group of tigers is a ‘streak’ or an ‘ambush’.


  1. They Can Run at 60 km/hr

Tigers are pretty quick, and their running speed can go up to 60 km/hr for short distances.


  1. Every Tiger Has Its Own Unique Set of Stripes

Like every human has a unique set of fingerprints, every tiger has its own unique set of stripes, and they have stripes on their fur as well as their skin.


  1. Tigers Are Excellent Swimmers

Tigers love the water, and they are excellent swimmers. They are so good at it that they can even hunt in the water.


  1. Tigers Are Mostly Solitary Animals

Tigers prefer a solitary life. They don’t move around in packs a lot and can often be found wandering the jungle alone.


  1. Tigers Can Mate With Lions

You most probably didn’t know this. Tigers can mate with lions – more specifically, when a male tiger mates with a female lion, their offspring is called a Tigon, and when a male lion mates with a female tiger, their offspring is called a Liger.


  1. They Don’t Roar Much

Movies and stories have created a misconception that tigers roar all the time. On the contrary, they rarely roar, except when they want to communicate with other tigers far away.


  1. A Tiger’s Saliva Is a Disinfectant

Cats lick themselves to clean themselves, but tigers’ saliva has disinfectant properties. They lick their wounds to disinfect them, thus preventing infections.


Tigers are really unique, and if you’d like to see tigers, book your day safari package in Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve with Jharana Jungle Lodge.

Let me know if you want any information, or have any queries regarding Tadoba Safari

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Experience Thrill with Tigers In Tadoba Core Jungle Safari

Our Guest has made their plan at the last moment and we arranged their core zone safari from Navegaon gate near to our resort. Our guest really had good luck with tiger sighting. Our safari start was very exciting one big mongoose cross us at the beginning, that made us very curious to see other jungle animals especially jewel 0f Tadoba ”Bengal tigers”. We heard that tigers made a kill at Jamunbodi Lake. As soon as We head to the jungle & we reach near to lake from lake hardly 3 Km we spotted something moving and we had a sighting of “Choti tara” along with her cubs. They were coming from meadows of grass. They made grand entry together and we were like full with thrilled experience. These tigers came very near to our gypsy and pass by us and went inside trees.


They have made kill near Jamun Bodi lake so they were roaming nearby this lake from the last 4 days. One Choti tara cub was injured on his stomach by bison war during kill in the jungle. This tiger encounter really paid off our jungle safari to Tadoba national park. After tiger sighting, we move on and also seen other jungle animals in core safari. We saw wild dogs sitting on the road and also seen deer in the grass in the group. Really that safari was very nice and we really enjoy most we ever enjoyed in any safari.

Tadoba is also famous for bird watching we reached to next spot Panchdhara where we were expecting Brown fish owl and we encounter this big bird, Owl was sitting on a tree branch and he was looking to us with very sharp vision. We have seen some other beautiful birds.


Tadoba jungle also has many trees verify which make Tadoba national park very special, we have seen many verities in trees like Mahua, bamboo, Nilgiri trees, etc. We were very satisfied with our tiger sighting and other animals sighting we were tired now and then came back to the resort. We had very nice food at dinner Nonveg food was very tasty along with another special verity in food which makes our day ended up with a big smile on the face. As its winter season after dinner, we set in a campfire and chatting in a group that moment was very good. The next day we wake up with full smile and ready to go back to home with an unforgettable memory of Tadoba national park.

Let me know, if you want any information, or have any queries regarding Tadoba Safari

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Interesting Facts About Tigers

Unlike lions, tigers are solitary animals. It’s fairly rare to see them group together in the wild, the exception to this is a tigress with her cubs. A group of tigers is called a streak.

Tigers are quite territorial. They engage in fatal fights to defend their territory.
Tiger cubs are born blind and remain so until 6-14 days Tigers squint or close their eyes to show happiness. This is because losing vision lowers defense, so tigers (and many other cats) only purposefully do so when they feel comfortable and safe.
They can jump more than 30 feet in a single leap & are strong swimmers.
Tiger stripes are like human fingerprints. Each of them is unique, no two tigers have the same pattern of stripes.
Tigers mark their territory by urinating (scent spraying), scratching the bark of the trees and roaring.
You can know the approximate age of tigers through the color of their nose. While young its pink in color and keeps darkening to blackish-brown as they grow older.
A Tiger will retract its claws when it walks which is why you will never find claw marks on the tiger’s tracks.
The white spots at the back of the tiger’s ears are called ocelli. There are many theories about their function which remains largely unknown.
Tigers usually hunt their larger prey by ambush. They ambush the animal by leaping out and seizing its neck in their teeth. If a major artery is severed, the animal dies in seconds. Otherwise, the tiger hangs on as the prey thrashes and it quickly dies of strangulation.

Let me know if you want any information, or have any queries regarding Tadoba Safari

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